Thursday, December 27, 2007

Excuses, excuses.

I'm sure we've all heard the old adage that blogs are like diets, we've all been on them, and they rarely work for the long haul. I haven't decided whether to think of this as just part of life and personal evolution, or something to be ashamed of (well, I'm hoping for the first and naturally inclining toward the second).

In service of excuses, here's the skinny on my whereabouts:

-been in China since August (blogspot is actually censored in China, so its tough to post)

-been in my head since August (probably earlier). There are so many things I would love to blog about, but just read about instead. I feel SO incredibly unqualified to have opinions, much less blogworthy ones. And so I just continue to think.

-been, oddly enough (or not), afraid of my own blog. As in, I keep a site updated for friends and family with no problem (email me if you'd like to see some of my adventures), but writing personal things is just such a big responsibility, somehow. I feel the need to be intelligent and witty and readable. I feel the need to grow, and to grow visibly!

I will try to do better in the following months. I may not, though.


SustainableFamilies said...

Ah, ni zai Zhong Guo ma? Hao de! Ni xue Zhong wen? Ni yao you zhong ren? LOL I tried...

I've enjoyed your blogging about ethics in adoption. I hope you will continue to be an ally in reform as you continue your journey.

: )

SustainableFamilies said...

PS "Ni yao you zhong ren" was an attemp to ask if you are adopting in china, but I don't remember how to say baby, or adopt.... soo... :)